Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre.
Road N-521, km 41.8. 10071
(+34) 927 18 10 32
Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre
The Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón (CCMIJU) is a multidisciplinary institution devoted to research and training in minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques. It is committed to technological development and innovation in healthcare, and for its advancement it works closely with institutions from all over the world.
The latest generation equipment and singular scientific facilities are available at CCMIJU, allowing for the highest possible level of research and training for health professionals worldwide. CCMIJU is part of a Research Infrastructure (ICTS), NANBIOSIS, for different MIS techniques and disciplines: bioengineering and health technologies, laparoscopy, endoscopy, microsurgery, endoluminal therapy and diagnosis, anaesthesiology and pharmacy applying combined techniques and multidisciplinary equipment for treatment approach, thus benefiting the patient and providing higher precision to the surgeon. It maintains a quality management system under ISO 9001:2008 standard for the design of applied research projects in MIS techniques and the design of theoretical and hands on training courses on several areas. The CCMIJU offers a pyramidal training model:
1. Basic training
2. Experimental training
3. Use of new media technologies
4. Clinical application
It is also reference centre for endoscopy teaching (accredited by the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy), with around1900 attendants from all over the world in over 160 training activities every year. Participants in the training activities are mainly surgeons and nurses, but also veterinary doctors and other health professionals.
Besides, CCMIJU has participated in over 150 competitive projects; it has more than 100 scientific papers in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports and over 50 books and book chapters.
Within the S4Game project, CCMIJU will be the leader partner so it will undertake the coordination of the project. It will participate in all intellectual outputs, more precisely:
O1. It will participate in the preparation of recommendations and practical cases for soft skills training of surgical teams. In this case, it counts with the experience of over 30 years in surgical training and organization of VET activities, as well as wide experience in the particular problems of surgical training. Besides, it will be also responsible for the final edition of the handbook.
O2. It will collaborate in the design of effective scenarios and internal validation of the S4Game, thanks to its multidisciplinary team, which counts with health professionals devoted to surgical training and engineers with experience in Virtual Reality and Serious Games. From a user point of view, CCMIJU will collaborate in the preparation of the user manual and the interactive videos, based on the experience on the demands of the health professionals. It will also coordinate the individual training sessions and will be responsible for their organization in Spain. In these activities, it will be essential the direct access to end users and close collaboration with scientific associations of surgeons, nurses and anaesthetists.
Tasks in which the CCMIJU will be involved require therefore a multidisciplinary team. Thus, staff participating in S4Game is from different units:
• Bioengineering and Health Technologies Unit. Composed of engineers, they have a wide experience in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) applied in the field of surgical training, including Virtual Reality simulators and Serious Games, the two technologies required in the project. They also have wide experience in the extraction of user needs, definition of requirements and design and development of validation trials for training devices.
• Laparoscopic Unit. They organize over 50 training activities annually in the field of laparoscopic surgical training, so they have vast knowledge on VET courses for health professionals. They also have a wide network of collaborators working in hospitals, which will be contacted and invited to take part in the project activities. They have a close relationship with the Spanish Society for Obesity Surgery, associated partner of the project.
• Anaesthesiology Unit. They are responsible for the anaesthetics in the surgical daily practice in the training courses.
• Training coordinator. In charge of the overall management of the training activities in the CCMIJU, he possesses a vast knowledge on the definition of competences, learning outcomes, assessment criteria, etc., that are of great applicability in the project.
• IT and illustration service. They assist the scientific units to design and create multimedia material: posters, brochures, books, ebooks, videos, etc. with a professional edition.
• Dr. Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo DVM, MSc, PhD, holds a PhD Cum Laude in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Extremadura (National Prize of the Royal Academy of Doctors) and has been, since 2007, the Scientific Director of the Jesus Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (JUMISC) in Cáceres. He has lead and collaborated in 88 regional, national and European research projects related to new surgical techniques, surgical training, innovative medical devices, and imaging diagnosis in laparoscopic, endoscopic and other minimally invasive procedures and technologies. He has published more than 190 articles in high impact journals (h index: 24), 21 books and 22 book chapters and has numerous industrial property registrations and held more than 820 scientific lectures at national and international congresses in the field of minimally invasive procedures and surgical technology. In 2014 he was appointed as the Deputy Director of a Spanish Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure in Spain (NANBIOSIS) and as University Director of the affiliated Centre of the University of Extremadura. As a teacher at different universities, he has directed 31 doctoral theses and is currently directing two Official University Masters. Dr. Sánchez-Margallo has directed more than 650 courses and training residencies for specialists in Health Sciences, many of them endorsed by recognized national and international scientific and medical societies.
• Dr José Blas Pagador is the coordinator of the Bioengineering and Health Technologies (BHT) Unit of Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón and Doctor at the University of Extremadura. His research is focused on medical technology, mainly oriented towards surgical training and technologies. He has a wide experience on user requirements extraction as well as on the validation of surgical devices for minimally invasive surgery training. He has participated in over 35 research projects and he has published more than 64 scientific papers and more than 100 national and international proceedings. He has organized 6 international scientific meetings and a national one, all of them related to medical engineering. Furthermore, he is author of three patents, two utility models and five community designs.
• Ms Luisa F. Sánchez-Peralta obtained her Telecommunication Engineer degree in 2008 at the University of Seville where she got a research fellowship. She made her degree thesis in 2008 in the Medical Imaging Center at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and in 2010 she obtained the Master degree at University of Extremadura. Since 2008, she works as a researcher at the Bioengineering and Health Technologies Unit of Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón. Her main research lines are the validation of surgical simulators and new approaches for minimally invasive surgery training, both in-person and online, including new ICT technologies within the training process. She has participated in 20 research projects and has published 13 scientific papers, as well as 78 proceedings in national and international congresses. She has organized 4 international scientific meetings and a national one, all of them related to medical engineering. Furthermore, she is also author of 3 patents.
Main publications
• Juan Francisco Ortega-Morán, J. Blas Pagador, Luisa Fernanda Sánchez-Peralta, Patricia Sánchez-González, José Noguera, Daniel Burgos, Enrique J. Gómez, Francisco M. Sánchez-Margallo. Validation of the three web quality dimensions of a minimally invasive surgery e-learning platform. International Journal of Medical Informatics. Volume 107, November 2017, Pages 1-10
• Oropesa, Ignacio; Sánchez González, Patricia; González Segura, Ana; Pagador, J. Blas; Sánchez Peralta, Luisa F.; Wéber, Gyorgy; Tiu, Calin; Papadopoulos, George A; Mettouris, Christos; Dankelman, Jenny; Sánchez Margallo, Francisco M.; Gómez, Enrique J. EASIER: Technology-enhanced learning of surgical and interventional technical and nontechnical skills. 2018 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. Prague, June 3-8 2018
• Gil, F. M., Vila, C. H., Cuevas, J. M., Lyra, M., Pagador, J. B., & Margallo, F. S. (2016). Validation of a simulator for temporomandibular joint arthroscopy. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 45(7), 836-841.
• Sánchez Margallo, Francisco M.; Sánchez Peralta, Luisa F.; Pagador, Blas; Sánchez Margallo, Juan Alberto; Gómez Blanco, Juan Carlos; Fenyohazi, Eszter; Korb, Werner; Skarmeas, Nikos; Sándor, Joszef; Wéber, Gyorgy; Oropesa, Ignacio; Gómez Aguilera, Enrique J.; Negotia Tiu, Alexandru; Tiu, Calin. Pyschomotor Skills Training in Minimally Invasive Surgery Through the Use Of Serious Games: Kheiron Training System. Surgical Endoscopy.2016. 30:S141
• Sánchez Peralta, Luisa F.; Sánchez Fernández, Javier; Pagador, José Blas; Sánchez Margallo, Francisco M. Nuevas tecnologías en formación de cirugía de mínima invasión: ¿qué demandan los cirujanos? Cirugía y Cirujanos. 2013. 81-5:412-419