S4Game Project Closing Workshop – Multiplier Event (E7)

Took place on August 30th, 2021 the “S4Game Project Closing Workshop”, an international that was held online through the online through the Zoom / Colibri platform, attended by a total 54 participants from different nationalities (Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic and Hungary).

In this Workshop were made four presentations by speakers from S4Game consortium team, Luisa Sánchez Peralta (Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre – Cáceres) and Joaquín León (Viral Studios – Badajoz), and researchers from  VALORIZA (Research Center of Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre), João Oliveira and Luís Loures.

After the conclusion of the  presentations, a space for debate was held, open to all participants in the Workshop, in which several interventions were made, allowing an interesting sharing of opinions and experiences on the themes addressed, as well as the clarification of some of the aspects discussed at this event